I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.
Dark business that seems only suitable for the streets takes place here. Footsteps echo down narrow pathways that wind between dilapidated buildings.There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 13381 hours ago.
about: This is bob.
about: bob is annoyed.
about: finally
: testa
: Pooftah
The Emissary of the Twin Arts: XX
jOhNNy rOTTenESs ~*the filth*~: *a large imposing figure stumbles into the alleyway from the streets, slams an open palmed hand onto the brick wall and proceeds to unload the contents of his stomach* BLAAAARGH BLURP BAAAH BUUUUURP! *what splatters on to the ground, and his chained leather boots, is neon green, contains all manner of wiggling nasties and leaves a smoking, cindering, trail as he lurches forward wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his ripped heavy metal band t-shirt*
jOhNNy rOTTenESs ~*the filth*~: *a slow toothy grin begins to form as the stinking hulking man regains his composure, shakes off and walks forward* .. wait till they get a load of me .. *he mutters and starts laughing like a loon just let out of the asylum*
jOhNNy rOTTenESs ~*the filth*~: What’s this .. *he murmurs, as an eyebrow cocks and his attention is gained by a brightly glowing sigil carved into the alleyway wall that contains the letters RWO .. * Peh! *he spits on the ground and with some concentration his hand begins spouting black fur and growing in size .. *
jOhNNy rOTTenESs ~*the filth*~: *with a sharp abyssal black claw he drags a deep scratch mark over the sigil, as it sparks and spits umbral dew and fireworks back at him* sHit FuCk! *he proclaims*
jOhNNy rOTTenESs ~*the filth*~: *content with his handiwork, the sigil marred with a rake of the claw, he grins, now rather stupidly, and starts laughing raucously anew*
jOhNNy rOTTenESs ~*the filth*~: *with a glance over the shoulder, and a sneer that would melt the paint off walls, he moves on through the alleyway and back on to the streets he claims as territory .. lo to any poor soul who crosses his path.*
Random passerby: *Shortcuts through the alley, and steps into the mess*
Random passerby: "Oh, fer the love of Gawd," *Groaning and shuffling trying to wipe the disgusting puke off his new sneakers as he makes his way out of the alley to look for a hose*
: The Power wash did what it could.
Avey (wyrn bait): *a small, slim figure of indeterminate gender peeks down the alleyway. One dim streetlight shows them briefly - a shock of many-colored hair, thigh-high stripey socks stuffed into someone else's overlarge work boots. Ratty cut-offs fit snugly but low-cut to show a whale-tail of thong underwear at the back. As the figure passes deeper into shadow, a glimpse of text stenciled across the crop-top "...ISSIVE & BREEDA..."*
Avey (wyrn bait): *the figure passes down the alleyway, past the marred sigil, stops, backtracks, and looks at it intently. Then they - no, he - moistens a fingertip and holds it up to check the wind. Abruptly, he takes a step back, and silently pantomimes being a submarine pilot, peering through an imagined periscope, turning slowly in place. After a full revolution, he pauses, then nods with a satisfied grin, and takes of at a quicker pace, loose boots flapping, heading in the direction where the vandal had previously departed, with the carefree air and erratic route of someone chasing fireflies*
( that was "WYRM bait", obvs.): [ FML - anyhow, on the lookout, jOhNNy ;3 ]
( that was "WYRM bait", obvs.): [ FML - anyhow, on the lookout, jOhNNy ;3 ]
: There is a discord at https://discord.gg/xT9fRu3VzC for these chats, join up and chat with other players and arrange times for scenes and such.