Necropolis Memorial Cemetery/Old Seville Mansion

I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.

The cemetery lies south of the city proper; just outside the Necropolis city limits. Looming above it on top of a steep rise of earth is the Old Seville Mansion. The manor house had a torrid history in Necropolis that included the death of several members of the Seville family. Necropolis is in an interesting position for any Wraith of any faction to find himself or herself in; Kindred are not the only dead to walk the Necropolitan night... a fact which the growing subset of Necropolis' supernatural communicty are most aware of...

There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 17103 hours ago.

: A group of mostly 'Scouts' (boys & girls of all ages, the Uniform colors that show said groups of BSA, GSA & Explorers) & others gather in the cemetery. After a short meeting get to work, tending to things by cleaning grave markers that have not been properly attended to by the 'families', clearing out any trash or any marks of vandalism that may have occurred. When the grounds-keepers show up, they assist in minor repairers to the grounds & buildings.

: The youngest members (with an adult supervising) come in as the graves have been cleaned & arrange flag(s) at each marker; minimum of at least an American flag per. Other graves get the addition of a military branch flag for under they severed, though there are some others. To those that know the designs; the 2nd Kansas Infantry Battalion, the Missouri Battle flag & the 'Indian Peace' flag are placed next to select markers. They then talk to the grounds-keepers before placing a sign near the entrance that reads, "This ARC (Act of Random Caring) was from the Greater Kansas City Scouting Council," then after a break-line on the sign is, "Home of the Free, Because of the Brave." Then, as quickly as the group came, they depart to the winds.

Besus Fufoon: *Enters*

Besus Fufoon: *Enters*

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Lake Smithville Woods (0)
Vast expanse of lakefront property fringed by woods. One can expect to see the shore abound with fun and frolic as any lake would... only this fun and frolic is done exclusively at night. The Garou are lords of this land, others should tread carefully.
The Streets of Necropolis (0)
A slowly flickering streetlight illuminates this dark street. All roads though town lead to this main road. Shadowy figures dart in and out of alleyways, and only the brave or foolish remain here long.

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