Sewer System

I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.

This dark damp sewer is home to the cities rodent population, and those who wish to travel unseen. There are many collapsed sections and the unwary are easily lost. The occasional bloated corpse has been found half devoured by rats and many unwanted items are dumped here.

There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 13381 hours ago.

The Emissary of the Twin Arts: ((*peek*))

Besus Fufoon: *Enters*

: There is a discord at for these chats, join up and chat with other players and arrange times for scenes and such.

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The Necropolis Institute for the Mentally Unstable (0)
There it looms... perched upon one of the highest points in the city. Although located just on the outskirts, the whole of Necropolis is visible. The building and it's grounds, which include the bottom of the hill to it's peak, are surrounded by a 2' thick wall of pure marble. Large iron spikes protrude from the apex of the wall... some say to keep those poor unfortunates in, while others say to keep the "normal" people out.
Burned Out Apartments (0)
This rubble covered area is all that remains of the Bradford Suites Hotel, which burned to the ground in 1997. The circumstances of the fire were never discovered. The debris here makes for excellent hiding spaces for the indigent and a place to resolve disputes away from the prying eyes of the law.
Alleyway (0)
Dark business that seems only suitable for the streets takes place here. Footsteps echo down narrow pathways that wind between dilapidated buildings.
The Immaculate Heart Cathedral (0)
Light from streetlamps filters through the stained glass windows overlooking this enormous cathedral. Here, the faithful come to pray or have whispered conversations among the pews. It is even rumored that this is a haven for those who hunt the hunters.
The Streets of Necropolis (0)
A slowly flickering streetlight illuminates this dark street. All roads though town lead to this main road. Shadowy figures dart in and out of alleyways, and only the brave or foolish remain here long.
The Necropolis Arms Hotel (0)
The fabulous decor and high class atmoshpere of this hotel makes it the prime place for visitors from outside the city to stay and an excellent meeting place for those who wish to discuss business away for their normal meeting spots. The lobby is adorned with ornate fountains, and a small bar server drinks at all hours.
The City Morgue (0)
This dreary place is located below the Necropolis City Hall and is where those who wish for their conversations to fall on only truly dead ears meet to discuss their plans.

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