The Fallen Angels Club

I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.

When the Kindred enters the bar, the first thing that strikes them is the enormity of the main room; as well as the dark and mysterious atmosphere due primarily to the dimness of the lighting. Out of all the booths situated around the club, only one has a small candle on the table. It is located off to one side and more or less apart from the other... secluded; although from that vantage point, the entire room can be viewed. This is the booth that the owner occupies and is reserved for her and those who join her. (This Room is for Camarilla Kindred Only)

There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 10883 hours ago.

~4313~: Even 20 years later, the drama is inescapable

Jocko: What the fuck? This place is still here.

Nathaniel Tomas: Dammit V5 is making me miss this place. Ahh rose colored glasses. Miss everyone.

Charis: Bloody hell... *Misty eyes*

Besus Fufoon: *Enters*

Adam Mcgee/Brujah: *Enters*

Kitty Kat [Gretchen]: Boom!

: There is a discord at for these chats, join up and chat with other players and arrange times for scenes and such.

qUiX ~(definitely not a Malkavian)~: *the main door creaks open slowly as a painted red hand clasped to its frame pushes forward*

qUiX ~(definitely not a Malkavian)~: *bobbing her head out from behind the door, and looking sideways at the interior, qUiX lets out a low long whistle .. and slams the door fully open, jumping forward into the bar, doing a summersault, a handstand, a burpee and then flying leap up into the rafters*

qUiX ~(definitely not a Malkavian)~: *hanging upside down from a rafter the young girl, covered head to toe in red paint and her black leather pantomime straight jacket “armor” starts to cry* .. mimes, in the form of god on high, mutter and mumble low, and hither and thither fly .. mere puppets they, who come and go ..

qUiX ~(definitely not a Malkavian)~: *red paint flecks sprinkle down to the bar floor as she swings back and forth gently, bloody tears in the mix, and a low grumbling from deep within starts its rumination, she’s hungry .. and alone* .. at bidding of vast formless things, that shift the scenery to and fro, flapping from out their Condor wings, invisible wo ..

qUiX ~(definitely not a Malkavian)~: *staring straight down to the floor, the grumbling grows .. letting her arms hang and the buckles of her armor clang gently, qUiX settles into the scene and sighs .. taking on a gargoyle like role as the night passes*

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The Streets of Necropolis (0)
A slowly flickering streetlight illuminates this dark street. All roads though town lead to this main road. Shadowy figures dart in and out of alleyways, and only the brave or foolish remain here long.
Fallen Angels Second Floor (0)
The second floor is divided into two sections... one section has all the latest in arcade and electronic tabletop games. The other side of the floor has several pool tables, lined up so as to not deter players from taking their shots;Êas well as several poker tables off to one corner. The room is divided by several archways but no doors. Bar staff are on hand to ferry drink orders back and forth from the main floor to the second floor.
The Fallen Angel's Back Offices (0)
These rooms are where the business of the Kindred can be handled out side of the prying eyes of the general clientle of the Fallen Angels. Keys are handed out to anyone who requests on efrom the bartender.

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