Firnost Freehold

I think it might be good to go. Whole server host died permanently. Migration required upgrades and code changes.

What appears to only be an abandoned, run down warehouse to the untrained mortals eyes is to Fae eyes a lovely bed and breakfast, almost New England in style and charm. (This is a Changeling Chat Room)

There are 0 people here The most recent statement was made about 246 hours ago.

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: Oh... well I feel like even more of an idiot than I already did. And I'm sure I blew my shot with you about, I don't know, three or four blunders ago but I'm still gonna apologize because it's the right thing to do not because I think I'll get anything out of it.

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): *she laughs a bit* if it makes you feel better it was a uphill climb anyways I'm married. it's an open relationship but still I'm very picky

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: Ah... fair enough. I guess I'm not your type, or I made too much a fool of myself. I can't say that isn't reasonable. I at least hope I've not been too awful of company.

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): oh not at all. it's just hard to take my attention from my wife.

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: Ah... finding out the woman who shot you down prefers other women is just about the best bandage a wounded ego could ask for. *chuckles* And at the risk of sounding cheesy, I say your wife is a very lucky woman.

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): yes she's almost as lucky as I am. *smiles and well figures it's best not to let him know I'm bi. ego and all*

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: *he smiles* You know your eyes light up when you talk about her? It's beautiful. I hope I can find love like that one day. Maybe my own redhead is waiting at the end of this road I'm on, wherever it leads me.

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): Oh I sure hope so. we all deserve to find love in our lives. and you've had enough pain that you deserve some good outcome

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: *smiles more warmly* Thank you... that means a lot. Especially from someone like you, I've always heard the fair folk spoke truths worth learning from for those who will listen.

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): life is easier to tell the truth when you can, keeps you from having to remember the lies you tell

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: You really are wise. *smiles* I hope to see you again sometime, without the awkwardness. I still like making friends.

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): I didn't think this was awkward. but I see things different them most sometimes.

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: Oh I could write a list of mistakes I need to learn from, but it seems you're as forgiving as you are beautiful and wise.

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): *laughs some more* I know I've learned from a lot of mistakes myself. it's a good teacher

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: *he nods* Learn from your mistakes just in time to make all new ones, isn't that how life works? *chuckles*

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): pretty much. I should be heading home.

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: *he nods* All right... it was nice spending time with a beautiful woman, even if it didn't end up like I hoped. Take care, I'm gonna head up and sleep for like three days or something. Good night. *smiles*

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): have a wonderful night, sorry it's not what you were hoping for. *and smiles before standing and heading out*

Tajier DeWinter ni Fiona (Wilder Sidhe): ((have a good night))

Rik ~werewolf chimera?~: Nothing to apologize for, you were wonderful company. *and then heads upstairs, to disappear back into the dream from which he was spawned* ((ni ni and thanks for the scene, it was interesting))

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Firnost Garden (0)
Behind the freehold for an acre or so stretches a delightful green garden. Stone paths twist around the cacaphony of delicately manicured flowerbeds and wild explosions of roses. A small stand of willows bends to touch the surface of a clear pond where brightly colored fish occasionally break its still mirror. Only fae or their Enchanted guests can find their way through the doorways into the garden. (This is a Changeling chat room.)
The Streets of Necropolis (0)
A slowly flickering streetlight illuminates this dark street. All roads though town lead to this main road. Shadowy figures dart in and out of alleyways, and only the brave or foolish remain here long.

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